
As a church we are responsible for the giving we receive, being good stewards of all that God gives us. In his first letter to the church in Corinth Paul tells them ‘the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel’ [1 Corinthians 9:14]. St. Paul’s church will endeavour to use all the monies that it receives to support the preaching and teaching of the gospel in this district and country and to support gospel mission overseas.

If you would like to be a partner in the ministry that we are doing here in the Rakaia District, St. Paul’s have a bank account that has charitable status.

Details of the bank account are as follows: *

ANZ Bank

The name of the bank account is:
St Paul’s Rakaia District Church

Ref for the bank statement please:
FIRST & LAST NAME in ‘particulars/reference’

No sort code required

*Please Note: when giving from overseas, the bank account details become slightly different. Please refer to our Giving From Overseas page.